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Obituary of Beatrice LaVonne Skelley
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 Beatrice L Skelley, 84 years old of Anamosa, IA, died Sunday, February 4, 2007 in Jones Regional Medical Cntr..
\par She was born Sunday, December 17, 1922 in rural Dundee, Daughter of the late Wade Long and the late Jane Smith.
\par She was a member of .
\par She worked as a Clerk for .
\par Surviving are Daughter, Jane Picray of Monticello, IA.
\par She was preceded in death by her husband, James and .
\par Friends will be received at the at the Kramer Funeral Home, Monticello, IA.
\par Services will be held at Kramer Funeral Home, at with officiating.
\par Interment will follow in the Oakwood Cemetery, Monticello, IA 52310 .
\par Contributions may be made to the .\fs20
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